Thursday, 13 January 2011

Analysing Sound

The sound in the first clip is used in the first scene when the camera sharply moves towards the characters face the sound is used in order to block the character from what is happening in the scenario. It also creates the sense of authority within the room as the judge is speaking the verdict is read out so in contrast the sound is placed over to build up on the tension. In the second scene when the man slams his hand on the table it is the sound that is heard first before the camera edges towards his face the sound made creates the sense of power.

The sound in the second clip is heartbreaking and emotional as it is about a character coming to terms with the fact that her mother has never cared for her and that the man who took her in is in love with hertherefore the sound used in this is fitiing as it creates the mood of sadness and egarness as we wait to see what the character's response is to the other.

The sound in the third clip is lacking as the audience here pratically no sound used to empahsise anything happening in the scene this however can create the sense of tense emotion as sound can create all types of feeling and flow with the situation whereas if there is a lack of it it creates the feeling of something lacking something or maybe just to create unecessary tension.

The sound used in the fourth clip is fitting with the action happening in the scene as it creates the sense of fastness and high speed. It can be hard to find the right sounds to fit an upbeat tempo or fast paced action. The sound used was good as it also allowed the audience to keep up with what was going on as the music got faster.    

The sound used in the fifth clip was heartbreaking because the action taking place in the clip was of a woman being torn from her child by the police and social services the sound added to the pulling of heart strings as it creates emotional feeling as it is afterall a sad situation being played out. The music often played when something sad happens is a quite and slow sound as it wants to get the audience to feel how the character is feeling place themselves in their shoes.

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